Friday, 28 June 2019

Bell Constipation Relief Tea #21b, 20 Bags 

Bell Constipation Relief Tea #21b, 20 Bags 

Bell Constipation Relief Tea is a product you should consider taking. Why? Chiefly, this can help promote good digestive functions. It is time to put an end to your digestive woes. Many people just tolerate them. They don’t get down to the root cause of the problem. As a result, more serious problems appear in the future. Now that you have Bell Constipation Relief Tea, find out why you really need it:

Reason #1: Bell Constipation Relief Tea can be use to provide more fibers to the digestive system. Fibers are indispensable for digestive functions. They are needed to round up toxins in the body and flush them out of the system through bowel movements. Without fibers, your digestive system will not work as well in completely clearing up wastes. As a result, you suffer from an assortment of digestive problems, not only constipation.

Reason #2: Bell Constipation Relief Tea might help in alleviating chronic constipation. Thing is, chronic constipation is not just caused by lack of fibers. Stress also comes into the picture. This product helps relax your intestines and stomach nervous system that often gets affected when you are chronically stressed out. That said, it will promote better digestive functions which will allow you to get more regular bowel movements.

Reason #3: Bell Constipation Relief Tea does not have side effects. As opposed to taking laxatives that will forever cause trips to the rest room, this product is more ideal to use. There are no residues side effects. Once you take the tea, expect regular bowel movements. You don’t have to worry about running into stomach issues while in the middle of work, or worse, while commuting!

Reason #4: Bell Constipation Relief Tea can help fight infection. Constipation is not the only digestive problem you have to worry about. Infection is a more pressing concern. This is caused by the over-growth of bacteria strains in the stomach. This will lead to inflammation accompanied by pain. If you want to fight infection, this tea is an ideal product to try.

Reason #5: Bell Constipation Relief Tea helps in healing duodenal ulcers. Also known as peptic ulcer, this is a condition caused by the overgrowth of H. Pylori bacterium. This is caused by excessive production of stomach in the acid. This destroys the cells that line up the stomach and will then lead bacteria to grow in number abnormally. Using this tea can help out.

Reason #6: Bell Constipation Relief Tea supports your digestive functions as a whole.  Using this tea can also help in promoting good colon, gall bladder, spleen and liver functions.

Your daily regimen should include Bell Constipation Relief Tea. With its help, you can normalize bowel movements. It is also particularly beneficial in alleviating chronic constipation, especially that caused by stress. You don’t have to worry about residual side effects. Using this can also help keep infections at bay as it prevents the overgrowth of bacteria in the stomach. You might even find this helpful in speeding up the healing process of duodenal ulcers. Ensure strong digestive organs with the aid of Bell Constipation Relief Tea.

Bell Coenzyme-Q10 Capsule Supports heart function, respiration, the immune system, energy and gum health. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Coenzyme-Q10 Capsule

Supports heart function, respiration, the immune system, energy and gum health.

Helps to support and maintain cardiovascular health.

An antioxidant to help defend against free radical damage to cells.

Participates in generating energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Comes in softgels for the best absorption.

May enhance weight loss goals by stimulating the metabolism.

Essential for the health of cells, tissues and organs.

With added Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Helps to maintain skin membranes.

Helps in the development and maintenance of night vision.

Helps to support and maintains bones and teeth.

Bell Co-Q10 #57

Bell Clear Skin (Formerly Help For Skin Disorders)#60, 90 Capsules

Bell Clear Skin (Formerly Help For Skin Disorders)#60, 90 Capsules

Bell Help For Skin Disorders supplement promises to keep your skin clear and healthy-looking, something that is not easy to achieve these days. When exposed to pollutants and stress, our skin suffers a myriad of damages. That is not to mention the intrinsic faults of our body which can lead to the appearance of blemishes and unwanted skin diseases. Promoting clear skin is now easier with the aid of Bell Help For Skin Disorders. Here are the benefits you can get:

Benefit #1: Bell Help For Skin Disorders helps cleanse the blood to get rid of the wastes that cause bad skin conditions. Dirt and wastes also settle in the blood. This causes your skin look dark, dull and ugly. In fact, this might even speed the progress of skin aging. This is why it is imperative that you look for ways on how to boost your skin condition. One way to do that is to detoxify your blood through this supplement.

Benefit #2: Bell Help For Skin Disorders contains Oregon grape root extract that helps in soothing the skin. What is great about Oregon grape root extract is that it contains tannins, the component also found in green tea extract. It actually helps in alleviating skin irritation and inflammation. If you have a pretty sensitive skin and you tend to have inflamed, irritated and itchy skin all the time, you can try using this. It may also serve as your protection against pathogens such as viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Benefit #3: Bell Help For Skin Disorders may also help reduce the symptoms associated with eczema and psoriasis. This supplement has also been equipped with sarsaparilla extract. Since olden times, it has been relied on when it comes to reducing the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. These skin conditions are without permanent solutions. Those afflicted have no choice but to look for medications that can prevent the eruption of the symptoms. As a maintenance treatment and preventive measure, this supplement is worth buying.

Benefit #4: Bell Help For Skin Disorders may also help get rid of scars and pigmentation. This supplement features the benefits of neem extract. Neem has natural lightening properties. It is beneficial in lightening scars and skin pigmentation caused by excessive exposure to the sun. You can also use this to even out your skin tone and promote vibrant dermis.

Benefit #5: Bell Help For Skin Disorders works as a moisturizing agent. Moisturizing your skin is one step to fending off skin aging problems. When your skin is dry, the cells and the tissues become susceptible to damages. This supplement can help keep your skin cells and tissues replenished and moisturized from the inside so you can stave off dry skin and prevent damages.

Benefit #6: Bell Help For Skin Disorders may help keep infections at bay. Infections are caused by thriving bacteria and germs in the dermis. Aside from promoting stellar immune functions, a supplement like this also comes handy when it comes to preventing this condition from happening.

It is now easier to promote strong skin functions with the aid of Bell Help For Skin Disorders. It helps clean the blood to get rid of the wastes and dirt that might cause skin problems. Use this to soothe tired, irritated and itchy dermis. It might also help soothe the condition of psoriasis and eczema sufferers. Moreover, it can help get rid of scars and pigmentations. Keep your skin properly moisturized with its help. To ensure that you will not be afflicted with infections, try Bell Help For Skin Disorders.

Bell Colon Care & Cleanse. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Colon Care & Cleanse

Formulated to help promote proper elimination (regular BMs) and rid the body of toxins.

Good source of antioxidants.

Natural toning and cleansing properties.

Supports regularity and healthy colon walls.

Contains natural ingredients that benefit the body on the road to longevity.

Anti-inflammatory properties.

Aids digestion.

Source of selenium and vitamin D for the maintenance of good health.

GMO free and allergen free.

Colon Care & Cleanse is formulated with many healthy vitamins, minerals, herbs and natural compounds that help to promote proper elimination. Efficient elimination ensures that we get rid of toxins that can build up during years of unhealthy eating, drinking and overall bad lifestyle decisions. The toning and cleansing ability of our Colon Care & Cleanse formula supports regularity. Rich in antioxidants, this innovative formula may also support longevity.

Bell Colon Care & Cleanse #74, 90 Capsules 

Bell Colon Care & Cleanse #74, 90 Capsules 

Bell Colon Care And Cleanse was brought to us by none other than the supplement company Bell Lifestyle. We know them as the company who produces supplements that treat and prevent. This is just one of those preventive supplements. It has been designed to fend off a number of serious illnesses. They know how important it is to keep ailments at bay before they happen. Bell Colon Care And Cleanse is an advocate of prevention. Find out today what its benefits are.

Benefit #1: Bell Colon Care And Cleanse can help alleviate inflammation. It basically helps prevent inflammation. A lot of pains and ailments stem from inflammation. It particularly targets the colon area and prevents it from getting inflamed and infected. This supplement has been incorporated with curcurmin or turmeric and cayenne pepper, two natural ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefit #2: Bell Colon Care And Cleanse may help reduce your chances of getting colon cancer.  As you probably know, colon cancer is one of the most flagrant types of cancer today. It has claimed many lives and will continue to do so until a definite cure for it is discovered. You want to start to take care of your colon right now with the aid of this supplement. It helps cleanse colon and the get rid of carcinogenous wastes. These carcinogenous wastes are often taken from food, especially those riddled with pesticides and additives.

Benefit #3: Bell Colon Care And Cleanse supplies antioxidants. Its top ingredients have antioxidative benefits. As antioxidants, they can help support cellular health. They are primarily useful in sidestepping cellular oxidation which usually happens when your body is riddled with harmful free radicals. These are free radicals that you get due to stress, eating foods with pesticides and additives, pollutants in the air and UV rays.

Benefit #4: Bell Colon Care And Cleanse can prevent flatulence. When wastes are not removed from the colon and the whole digestive system properly, flatulence ensues. Wastes go rancid over time, especially fats. So if you have a fat-laden diet, you could be susceptible to this condition. Using this supplement on a regular basis can prevent that from happening.

Benefit #5: Bell Colon Care And Cleanse might also help prevent weight gain. Featured in this supplement is EGCG or Epigallocatechin Gallate. This is a form of antioxidant polyphenols you can extract from green tea. Studies have found out that it helps support metabolic functions and ensure that proper conversion of fats into energy.

Benefit #6: Bell Colon Care And Cleanse might also help prevent high blood pressure. The natural ingredients here like EGCG and Cayenne pepper work together in promoting regular blood pressure. They may also help in lowering LDL or bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Using Bell Colon Care And Cleanse can offer wonderful benefits. Try this to put an end to color and colon lining inflammation. It might also fend off more serious diseases such as cancer. Try this to support cellular health. This supplement is also beneficial in preventing flatulence. Make sure you sidestep weight gain using this. And for an alternative solution to high blood pressure, try Bell Colon Care And Cleanse.

Bell Constipation Relief Tea. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Constipation Relief Tea:

Made with effective herbs, such as dandelion, alder buckthorn, bitter fennel, turkey rhubarb, and more.

Formulated to help ease constipation gently and naturally.

Rich in vitamins and minerals.

Provides antioxidants to help hinder free radical damage to the cells.

Helps to tone the digestive tract.

Naturally occurring anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties.

Proper elimination is extremely important for a healthy body. If you don't have a bowel movement every day, you're probably constipated. Constipation can be a result of several factors, including a lack of enzymes and good bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, dehydration, lack of dietary fibre, stress, and ignoring your natural urges.

Being constipated can wreak havoc on your immune system because the toxins that your body would normally get rid of can be released back into the system.

Proper elimination does not start in the colon, your entire digestive tract has to work in synchronized balance. Many people who drink excessively become constipated due to dehydration and the destruction of intestinal flora (good gut bacteria).

Bell Co-Q10 #57, 60 Gel Capsules. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Co-Q10 #57, 60 Gel Capsules

Bell Co-Q10 is a supplement you might want to include in your daily regimen. Use this before the aging process settles in. Your body succumbs to the aging process brought about by exposure to chemicals, UV rays, stress and many other aging factors. Using Bell Co-Q10 might not only make you look young. It might also make you feel young. Find out more about the benefits of this supplement.

Bell Co-Q10 offers Co-Q10 enzymes that have antioxidative properties. This is one of the most useful antioxidants today. That can be attributed to its ability to support the functions of the cells and proteins. It helps lubricate the tissues and ensure the production of much-needed tissues for vital organs and cells. Unlike other antioxidants, Co-Q10 has a “gobbling up” effect to the system. It gobbles up unwanted free radicals.

Bell Co-Q10 slows down the aging process. Having more antioxidants, particularly Co-Q10 enzymes, in the system is important in staving off the aging process. It helps keep skin supple and soft as well. Moreover, antioxidants ensure that cells and DNA in the body will not get affected by free radicals. That means you can enjoy proper systemic functions.

Bell Co-Q10 might help support energy levels. Much has been said about the importance of Co-Q10 enzymes when it comes to boosting energy production. It can help combat chronic fatigue. If you feel like your body easily succumbs to fatigue even if you are not doing anything strenuous, this might be caused by low levels of Co-Q10 in your life. You can use this to get rid of the drowsy and queasy feeling you have especially in the afternoon. Additionally, it might also help those who are living an active lifestyle. It supposedly improves your tolerance for exercise.

Bell Co-Q10 supports the functions of the immune system. Try using this if only for its ability to support the immune system. The immune system needs to be staid in order to avoid diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, germs and many other micro organisms. You don’t want to fall prey to infections, colds, cough and even serious micro organism invasion such as HIV.

Bell Co-Q10 may help reduce your risks of getting heart diseases. Studies have found out that having reliable supply of Co-Q10 in the system can put a person at a lower risk of heart diseases. Those suffering from congestive heart failure might even experience good and remarkable results from regular intake of coenzyme Q10.

Bell Co-Q10 can reduce toxicity in the system. Reduce toxin build-up with the aid of this supplement. It also helps ensure that the toxins you are getting from food laden with pesticides and additives are washed out of the body. When this happens, you can lessen the likelihood of common and general diseases.

Using a supplement like Bell Co-Q10 can help keep your body healthy for a long time. Ingest more potent antioxidants in order to fight free radical attack. Use this to slow down the aging process of the organs, particularly the skin. It is also helpful in boosting energy production. Now is the best time to fight viruses and bacteria that invade the system. Ensure strong heart functions with the help of this supplement. And in order to fight toxicity, you might need the help of Bell Co-Q10.

Bell Clear Skin (Formerly Help For Skin Disorders)#60

Help For Skin Disorders 

The Clear Skin† formula provides essential herbal nutrients and fish oil to promote healthier skin from the inside. These nutrients act as natural blood cleansing agents that address the systemic issues that cause skin problems.

Unlike topical creams and cleansers, which can be harsh and irritating to your skin, Clear Skin† is a gentle dietary supplement. 

Developed by Bell’s Master Herbalist, Dr. Chakib Hammoud, M.H., Ph.D., Clear Skin is the result of his thorough knowledge of herbs and his deep understanding of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. The result is a natural formulation that supports your skin health without causing any residual damage to your skin.*

Clear Skin† is a natural, multi-ingredient product, formulated to promote clear, blemish-free skin. GMO free

Bell Clear Skin (Formerly Help For Skin Disorders)#60

Bell Co-Q10 #57, 60 Gel Capsules Bonus Information

Bell Co-Q10 is a supplement you might want to include in your daily regimen. Use this before the aging process settles in. Your body succumbs to the aging process brought about by exposure to chemicals, UV rays, stress and many other aging factors. Using Bell Co-Q10 might not only make you look young. It might also make you feel young. Find out more about the benefits of this supplement.

Bell Co-Q10 offers Co-Q10 enzymes that have antioxidative properties. This is one of the most useful antioxidants today. That can be attributed to its ability to support the functions of the cells and proteins. It helps lubricate the tissues and ensure the production of much-needed tissues for vital organs and cells. Unlike other antioxidants, Co-Q10 has a “gobbling up” effect to the system. It gobbles up unwanted free radicals.

Bell Co-Q10 slows down the aging process. Having more antioxidants, particularly Co-Q10 enzymes, in the system is important in staving off the aging process. It helps keep skin supple and soft as well. Moreover, antioxidants ensure that cells and DNA in the body will not get affected by free radicals. That means you can enjoy proper systemic functions.

Bell Co-Q10 might help support energy levels. Much has been said about the importance of Co-Q10 enzymes when it comes to boosting energy production. It can help combat chronic fatigue. If you feel like your body easily succumbs to fatigue even if you are not doing anything strenuous, this might be caused by low levels of Co-Q10 in your life. You can use this to get rid of the drowsy and queasy feeling you have especially in the afternoon. Additionally, it might also help those who are living an active lifestyle. It supposedly improves your tolerance for exercise.

Bell Co-Q10 supports the functions of the immune system. Try using this if only for its ability to support the immune system. The immune system needs to be staid in order to avoid diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, germs and many other micro organisms. You don’t want to fall prey to infections, colds, cough and even serious micro organism invasion such as HIV.

Bell Co-Q10 may help reduce your risks of getting heart diseases. Studies have found out that having reliable supply of Co-Q10 in the system can put a person at a lower risk of heart diseases. Those suffering from congestive heart failure might even experience good and remarkable results from regular intake of coenzyme Q10.

Bell Co-Q10 can reduce toxicity in the system. Reduce toxin build-up with the aid of this supplement. It also helps ensure that the toxins you are getting from food laden with pesticides and additives are washed out of the body. When this happens, you can lessen the likelihood of common and general diseases.

Using a supplement like Bell Co-Q10 can help keep your body healthy for a long time. Ingest more potent antioxidants in order to fight free radical attack. Use this to slow down the aging process of the organs, particularly the skin. It is also helpful in boosting energy production. Now is the best time to fight viruses and bacteria that invade the system. Ensure strong heart functions with the help of this supplement. And in order to fight toxicity, you might need the help of Bell Co-Q10.

Help For Skin Disorders Details

The Clear Skin† formula provides essential herbal nutrients and fish oil to promote healthier skin from the inside. These nutrients act as natural blood cleansing agents that address the systemic issues that cause skin problems.

Unlike topical creams and cleansers, which can be harsh and irritating to your skin, Clear Skin† is a gentle dietary supplement. Developed by Bell’s Master Herbalist, Dr. Chakib Hammoud, M.H., Ph.D., Clear Skin is the result of his thorough knowledge of herbs and his deep understanding of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. The result is a natural formulation that supports your skin health without causing any residual damage to your skin.*

Clear Skin† is a natural, multi-ingredient product, formulated to promote clear, blemish-free skin. GMO free. 

Bell Clear Skin (Formerly Help For Skin Disorders)#60 Reviews*

Bell Cholesterol Control (#14) maintain healthy cholesterol levels naturally. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Cholesterol Control (#14) 

Formulated to help support and maintain healthy cholesterol levels naturally.

A patented, proprietary formula composed of orange fruit and African oil palm extracts (Cholesstrinol™).

Helps support healthy blood pressure and blood glucose levels.

Provides antioxidants to defend against free radical damage to cells.

Ideal for cleansing the arteries and promoting overall heart health.

GMO free and allergen free. 

A patented, proprietary formula, Cholesstrinol™ has been shown to promote healthy levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides, which are both vital to cardiovascular health. Cholesstrinol™ is an ideal nutritional starting point for anyone seeking to naturally support heart and circulatory wellness. Safe for long-term use, Cholesstrinol™ has been extensively researched over the past twelve years.

Cholesstrinol™ consists of two key types of beneficial bioactive compounds:

Polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs)

PMFs have been shown to influence the levels of enzymes and proteins used in the production and function of LDLs and triglycerides.  PMFs also help support liver function, further promoting normal triglyceride levels.


Relatives of the vitamin E family, tocotrienols are highly active antioxidants like PMFs. These compounds in particular are believed to modulate the function of a specific enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase, which has been linked to cholesterol balance.

Bell Cholesterol Control #14 Reviews*

Bell Cardio Health #17, 60 Capsules. Bell Artery Inflammation Combo, now known as Bell Cardio Health supplement, has been designed to support your cardiovascular needs

Bell Cardio Health #17, 60 Capsules 

Bell Artery Inflammation Combo, now known as Bell Cardio Health supplement, has been designed to support your cardiovascular needs. The heart is critical to the over-all functions of the body. If it does not pump blood to the other vital organs, death is imminent. One of the main causes of heart diseases is clogged and inflamed arteries. Bell Artery Inflammation Combo supplement might help out with that. Here are some things you should know about it:

What is Bell Artery Inflammation Combo? It is a supplement intended to promote good heart functions. It has been equipped with ingredients that supposedly promote stellar health of the arteries and prevent the likelihood of inflammation. It particularly lowers down the levels of homocysteine, which is the main culprit in heart attacks.

What benefits can you get from Bell Artery Inflammation Combo? This supplement, with its ability to lower down the levels of homocysteine, will help lessen your chances of getting heart attack. It keeps arteries strong so it prevents bursting of arteries caused by clogged blood. It may also have a good effect to the memory. Proper circulation of blood to the brain can promote strong memory functions.

Who should try using Bell Artery Inflammation Combo? This supplement is good for those people with a history of heart attack. Use this as a preventive measure and make sure your arteries are strong pathways of blood. It also prevents a myriad of other heart-related ailments. If your family has a history of heart diseases, give this a try. According to experts, some heart ailments are hereditary.

Is Bell Artery Inflammation Combo safe to use? The formula of this supplement has been tried and tested so it should be safe to use. In addition to that, this supplement has also been equipped with effective and natural ingredients. No known side effects were reported. However, if you are taking other drugs or medicines for the heart, ask your doctor if there’s going to be an adverse reaction.

How long before the effects of Bell Artery Inflammation Combo take place? In about a month or so, you can already start to see the effects of this supplement. You can combine this with exercise and proper diet and see better health results.

How should you take Bell Artery Inflammation Combo? This capsule should be taken two times a day for best results. Make sure you stick with a good routine. Do not skip on using this, else you won’t experience wonderful results.

Bell Artery Inflammation Combo is a supplement that can actually make a difference in your life. Use this supplement if you want to protect your heart from debilitating and lethal heart ailments. This will help lower down homocysteine levels which is helpful in lessening your chances of getting heart diseases. It is also beneficial in supporting memory functions. People afflicted with heart diseases or have a history of it in their family should try using this. It should be safe to use since it has tried and tested ingredients. Stick with this regimen to experience best results. Make sure you take one capsule two times a day of Bell Artery Inflammation Combo.

Bell Cardio Health help reduce inflammation in the arteries and promote cardiovascular health. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Cardio Health 

Formulated to help reduce inflammation in the arteries and promote cardiovascular health.

A unique formula to help keep your internal processes in balance.

Vitamins B6 and B12 play key roles in converting homocysteine into methionine (one of the amino acids from which the body builds new proteins).

Garlic's combination of flavonoids and sulfur-rich nutrients have been known to protect the cardiovascular system and enhance the immune system.

Provides antioxidants that help defend against free radical damage to cells.

Bell Cardio Health is a multi-ingredient formulation that helps to reduce homocysteine levels for the improvement of cardiovascular health.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is found in the blood and is acquired predominantly from eating meat. High homocysteine is related to early development of heart disease and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Cardio Health also helps to enhance carbohydrate metabolism, which can benefit those trying to maintain a healthy body weight.

Bell Calcium Build-Up  Helps reduce calcium build-up (calcification) in arteries, joints, and other soft tissues.

Bell Calcium Build-Up 

Helps reduce calcium build-up (calcification) in arteries, joints, and other soft tissues.

With vitamins K2 and D3.

Helps in the maintenance of bones and helps to make sure calcium is going to the right areas in the body.*

Provides healthy support for all of the body's organs and systems.

Provides antioxidants.

GMO free.

Calcification (calcium deposits) can occur in the soft tissues of the body, such as heart valves, kidneys, liver, joints, cartilage, muscles, tendons, and many other parts of the anatomy. This is an abnormal occurrence that can be caused by various reasons. There might be a lack of vitamin K, a side effect of blood thinner medications. If there is a lack of dietary calcium, the body may take calcium from the bones to compensate. The body can send calcium to heal areas that have had injury or inflammation, therefore the calcium could deposit there if the system is not in balance. Also, the body’s overall mineral balance could be out of sync.

Bell Calcium Build-Up (product #71) was designed for these problems. With a great combination of natural ingredients, Calcium Build-Up will make sure the calcium in your body is being utilized properly. This formulation also helps in the maintenance of bones. You’ll notice that the formulation covers all of the bases by making sure you have great antioxidant value, good digestion and optimum absorption.

Calcium-Build-Up also provides vitamins and minerals to help make sure your body has the proper balance for efficient function. Vitamin K2 will help to protect the heart and brain while making sure the calcium in the body goes to the bones as it should.

Bell Calming Chronic Stress, anxiety, depressed mood. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Calming Chronic Stress 

Formulated to help with chronic stress, anxiety, depressed mood and more.

A combination of herbs, minerals, and the neurotransmitter GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid).

Helps take the edge off and promotes mood balance with the power of nature.

Good source of 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), which the body converts into serotonin.

Great for college/university students, professionals, and others with high pressure occupations.

Can be used as a sleep aid to help in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress.

Helps to temporarily promote relaxation.

GMO free and allergen free. 

Bell Calming Chronic Stress #66

Bell Calming Chronic Stress #66, 60 Capsules 

Bell Calming Chronic Stress #66, 60 Capsules 

Bell Calming Chronic Stress supplement may have a myriad of benefits to offer you. Since stress is a part and parcel of our life, it is time we do something to ensure that it is not causing major damages to our physical functions. Never underestimate the effects of stress. The following are some of the benefits you can get when you take Bell Calming Chronic Stress.

Benefit #1: Bell Calming Chronic Stress relieves stress. It is primarily used in alleviating stress. It gets down to the root cause of the problem, which is the production of a stress hormone called cortisol. It is by suppressing the production of this hormone that you can reduce the effects of stress in your life. This will then cause a ripple effect in the system as evident in the next benefits.

Benefit #2: Bell Calming Chronic Stress can be used to get rid of the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Stress is often accompanied by depression and anxiety. You feel this ugly feeling in the pit of your stomach and you can’t seem to get out of it. Many people think depression and anxiety are just shallow, emotional problems but they are actually more medical and clinical than that. This supplement may help in the production of endorphins that can promote good mood.

Benefit #3: Bell Calming Chronic Stress can help get rid of seasonal affective disorders. Do you often feel sad during winter or rainy seasons? Do you tend to feel melancholic during Christmas or other holidays? You are not alone. A lot of people actually succumb to a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder. This supplement has been designed to help treat that problem.

Benefit #4: Bell Calming Chronic Stress helps support good eating habits. Eating habits are affected whenever we are stressed out or depressed. Some eat more to take away their melancholy while others do not eat at all. This can lead to the weakening of the over-all functions of the body.

Benefit #5: Bell Calming Chronic Stress restores adrenal balance. The adrenal gland is responsible in releasing hormones. If it secretes excessive hormones, it might cause your immune system to malfunction. Poor adrenal gland functions might even lead to autoimmune diseases according to experts.

Benefit #6: Bell Calming Chronic Stress has a calming effect. To alleviate anxiety and nervous tension, try taking this. The recommended dosage is two capsules taken two times a day for two weeks. This should immediately curb depressive symptoms. For maintenance, one capsule a day is recommended.

Bell Calming Chronic Stress can offer these benefits if you try it. You can use this to defeat stress once and for all. It is also a supplement designed to cater to the needs of people afflicted with depression and anxiety.  It might even help those with SADs or Seasonal Affective Disorders. Use this to support healthy eating habits. Make sure you promote strong and reliable adrenal functions with the aid of this supplement. Keep calm and stay healthy with Bell Calming Chronic Stress.

Calming Chronic Stress Details

Formulated to help with chronic stress, anxiety, depressed mood and more.

A combination of herbs, minerals, and the neurotransmitter GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid).

Helps take the edge off and promotes mood balance with the power of nature.

Good source of 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), which the body converts into serotonin.

Great for college/university students, professionals, and others with high pressure occupations.

Can be used as a sleep aid to help in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress.

Helps to temporarily promote relaxation.

GMO free and allergen free. 

Bell Calming Chronic Stress #66

Bell Calcium Build-Up #71, 90 Capsules. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Calcium Build-Up #71, 90 Capsules 

Bell Calcium Build-Up supplement augments missing calcium in the system. The problem with calcium is that although we can get it from food sources such as dairy products and vegetables, the amount of calcium our body absorbs tends to be negligible. Blame that on the fact that calcium is a mineral that is a bit difficult to break down. This is why you might need a supplement like Bell Calcium Build-Up that can be readily absorbed by the body. Here are some benefits of this nutrient and supplement:

Bell Calcium Build-Up supports the structure of bones. We know calcium as an indispensable mineral when it comes to bone health. Bone breakdown happens when you are not getting enough calcium. This usually happens as we get older. Women are also more susceptible to this due to significant decrease in estrogen production during post menopausal period. This is why women tend to be more predisposed to diseases like osteoporosis. Using this supplement can help deliver the calcium needed by the bones.

Bell Calcium Build-Up may actually help prevent the usual symptoms of PMS. Some symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome are cramps, abdominal pain, breast tenderness and mood swings. These problems can be prevented with the aid of calcium. When combined with vitamin D, they can help in supporting proper hormonal balance, thereby abating these tell-tale symptoms.

Bell Calcium Build-Up may actually help support the health of the heart. Studies have found out that those people with more calcium in their system are less likely to suffer from heart attack. That is because calcium prevents the hardening of the arteries. This will primarily prevent high blood pressure by ensuring the good flow of blood in the arteries. If you have a history of high blood pressure in your family, loading up more on calcium works wonders in preventing this condition.

Bell Calcium Build-Up can be used to keep the brain strong. Calcium has been proven beneficial in preventing certain brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. You can use this to support memory functions. As you get older, brain health decreases due to constant attack of free radicals. Because calcium also has antioxidative benefits, it can help counteract the effects of free ranging radicals to the brain.

Bell Calcium Build-Up may help in maintaining weight. Keeping your weight normal becomes easier when you have abundant supply of calcium in your body. According to studies, people with lower calcium levels in their body tend to suffer from weight gain. Loading up on calcium will prevent the build up of concentrated calcium in the fat cells which will then prevent the release of parathyroid hormone. This will, in turn, lead to fat breakdown.

Bell Calcium Build-Up boosts your mood and energy. Calcium and vitamin D make a powerful combination. These two nutrients are needed to promote good mood and enhance energy production.

These are the benefits of Bell Calcium Build-Up you need to consider. Use this to ensure that your bones are still in stellar health. They can also help in warding of PMS symptoms. Try this supplement to maintain normal blood pressure. It is also essential in supporting brain health. Keep weight normal with this supplement. If you want something that can help increase mood and energy levels, try Bell Calcium Build-Up.

Bell Bronchitis Tea #44, 30 Bags boasts of herbal blend all beneficial in keeping the respiratory system in stellar shape. 

Bell Bronchitis Tea #44, 30 Bags 

Bell Bronchitis Tea boasts of herbal blend all beneficial in keeping the respiratory system in stellar shape. Primarily, it offers a solution to respiratory tract infection and congestion. If you are suffering from this condition or you tend to succumb to this problem more often than normal, you might want to consider taking Bell Bronchitis Tea. Now is a good time to find out more about its ingredients.

Horehound. Bell Bronchitis Tea is not the first time we can see the benefits of horehound. For thousands of years, this has already been used for a variety of problems related to the respiratory system. It has been primarily deemed beneficial for its ability to loosen phlegm and get rid of severe coughs. It may also offer relief for bronchitis and flu.

Coltsfoot. As a core ingredient in Bell Bronchitis Tea, this herb works in clearing congested respiratory tract. It has natural disinfectant, suppressant and expectorant properties ideal for those people suffering from respiratory congestion and similar problems. Moreover, this natural herb has also been considered ideal in treating asthma attacks.

Rosemary. I’m sure rosemary in Bell Bronchitis Tea is nothing new to you. After all, we often use this for cooking. As an herb that punctuates the flavor of our various dishes, it is indispensable. However, it actually has a lot of medicinal benefits. You can actually use this to treat congestion and inflammation. It contains carnosic acid and carnosol which are anti-inflammatory agents. Moreover, it also has antibacterial properties that might solve the root cause of respiratory problems.

Thyme. One of the benefits of taking Bell Bronchitis Tea is its anti spasmodic benefits. This is offered by the herb thyme. It can help alleviate spasmodic problems such as cramps and coughs. It helps soothe respiratory tracts and even nerves. It also has anti bacterial properties that can help speed up the healing process of respiratory tract infection.

Oregano. The benefits of oregano made Bell Bronchitis Tea a tad more effective. That is because this herb can strengthen the immune system as well as treat the existing respiratory problem. It is by supporting the immune system that you become less susceptible to these ailments. Moreover, it is also effective in clearing up lung congestion and treating sinusitis.

Fenugreek. Since olden times, fenugreek has been used to treat inflamed tissue. It has the ability to clear up the body of allergens and toxins causing irritation. So if you are afflicted with chronic coughing due to allergens, Bell Bronchitis Tea can help.

Bell Bronchitis Tea is rich in the herbs that have been proven effective in supporting the lungs and the whole respiratory system. Make sure you give this a go if only for its ability to provide comfort when you are afflicted with these ailments. You can use this to relieve congestion. These ingredients also help relieve inflammation. Moreover, some of these ingredients have anti bacterial properties that can help get rid of congestion-causing bacteria. They are also helpful in getting rid of the toxins and allergens irritating the system. Now that you know these, make sure you consider using Bell Bronchitis Tea.

Bell Bronchitis Tea. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Bronchitis Tea 

A well known combination of traditional herbs that provide therapeutic help for the respiratory system and passages.

Helps with the scars and the damage in the bronchial system that has been caused by infections and other respiratory system disorders.

Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as an expectorant to help manage the symptoms associated with bronchitis and catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract.

This natural herbal formula is ideal for smokers.

Provides antioxidants.

A well known combination of traditional herbs that provide therapeutic help for the respiratory system and passages. It also assists in loosening congested tracts caused by infection. Thats not all, Bell Bronchitis Tea  also helps expel and drain the heavy yellowish build-up. For an already damaged bronchial system, it can minimize the damage caused by infections.

Bell Bronchitis Tea #44

Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Support (#25), 60 Capsules

Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Support (#25), 60 Capsules

Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo supplement offers you a wonderful solution to your immune system issues. Pay attention to the functions of your immune system because this is your first line of defense against viruses, bacteria and many other micro organisms that can’t be seen by the naked eye. Get to know the benefits of Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo.

Benefit #1: Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo helps strengthen the immune system. It basically promotes strong immune functions so you can become less susceptible to common ailments such as infections, coughs and colds. Regular intake of this supplement may also help in lessening the duration of existing problems. It works in increasing T-cell production which is essential in warding off micro organisms.

Benefit #2: Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo can shorten the length of recovery time. When you go down with the flu, how much time does it usually take for you to recover? It takes a long time for many people. In fact, you might even have to be saddled in your bed and skip work due to this. Using this supplement can ensure that you can recover quickly from illnesses.

Benefit #3: Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo may also help alleviate skin problems. Due to its ability to reduce the likelihood of infections, this also works in keeping skin protected. It may help reduce the appearance of pimples and acne caused by the excessive growth of bacteria in the pores. It may also prevent the occurrence of caustic and infected wounds. According to experts, it may also help those suffering from eczema and psoriasis.

Benefit #4: Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo can get rid of recurring infections. Vaginal yeast infections, ear infections, canker sores and urinary tract infections are just some of the problems that may recur. Occasionally having these health problems mean that your immune system leaves something to be desired. You need a supplement that might help boost immune functions.

Benefit #5: Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo may also help people suffering from gingivitis. It helps reduce bacteria overgrowth in the mouth which will come handy when it comes to preventing and treating gingivitis. It also strengthens the health of the gums which will keep this problem at bay.

Benefit #6: Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo may also help protect you from pollens and allergens.
During that time of the month when allergens such as pollens and dust mites pollute the air we breathe, it is easy to succumb to respiratory illnesses such as hay fever. This supplement can help prevent that from happening.
The benefits of Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo are indeed useful in this day and age.
With its help, the immune system can be strengthened. This can also be used to ensure that the body can recover faster from ailments. It may also work in preventing skin problems.
Moreover, it also helps alleviate recurring infections. If you also have gingivitis, you can try using this. Keep your immune system strong and healthy with the aid of Bell Echinacea Powerful Immune Combo.

Bell Breathing Relief Tea #45, 30 Bags 

 Bell Breathing Relief Tea #45, 30 Bags 

Bell Breathe Easy Tea is another product developed by the company Bell. For many years now, they have been producing health and wellness supplements that act as preventive supplements as well as treatments to diseases. Now that we have Bell Breathe Easy Tea, we should find out what benefits it can offer and how you can incorporate it in your life.

What kind of product is Bell Breathe Easy Tea? It is a tea that supposedly works in easing up breathing and alleviating constricted airways. If you are having an attack of asthma, hay fever, allergies and other problems related to the respiratory system, this supplement might offer benefits.

What are the benefits offered by Bell Breathe Easy Tea? Basically, it helps lessen constricted airways by providing moisture to the throat, sinus, bronchial system and vocal cords. By providing moisture, it relieves the dryness that often causes coughs. It also helps wash away irritants that might be thriving in these areas of the respiratory system.

Who should start using Bell Breathe Easy Tea? This tea is ideal for the use of people suffering from allergies. Coughing and trouble breathing are some of the most common symptoms of allergy attack. It is ideal to those who have respiratory problems that often include trouble breathing. The manufacturing company also said this tea can work wonders in the comfort of smokers.

What was incorporated in Bell Breathe Easy Tea? This tea features only natural ingredients such as Rosemary leaves, Lung Wort, Caraway seeds, Fenugreek seeds, Cardamom seeds, Anise seeds, Hyssop leaves, Eucalyptus leaves, Peppermint leaves, thyme leaves, oregano leaves, fennel seeds and many more. This tea boasts of all-natural ingredients that will really do its work in promoting good respiratory functions.

Are there side effects to using Bell Breathe Easy Tea? There should be no side effects to using this. It is in tea form so you can take it like the usual way of taking tea. Because it is natural and contains only herbal remedies, it will not cause side effects like chemical treatments might. So if you are looking for a remedy for breathing problems that will not cause side effects, this might be a good product to try. However, it might not be ideal for children with sensitive health or adults with underlying medical condition. Make sure you consult your doctor first if these problems are present.

How should you take Bell Breathe Easy Tea? Just prepare it in the same way you would prepare your tea. Soak it in boiling water. Let it steep for a few minutes. After that, let the tea cool down a bit before drinking it.

Products like Bell Breathe Easy Tea make our life more comfortable. Use this to help alleviate breathing problems that often accompany allergies and asthma attack. This can help soothe irritate airways and help provide moisture to these areas. You should start using this if you have these problems or if you are a smoker. You can find only natural ingredients in this tea which are tried and tested for their benefits. There should be no side effects associated with the intake of this tea. When the need arises, prepare Bell Breathe Easy Tea.

Bell Breathe Easy Tea. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Breathe Easy Tea 

Based on an ancient formula from the mountains of Lebanon.

Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to  help manage symptoms associated with upper respiratory conditions such as sinus congestion and dry cough.

Formulated to help reduce symptoms associated with asthma, allergies, hay fever and other respiratory irritations.

Delivers nature’s finest herbal support throughout the entire body.

Ideal for smokers suffering from dry cough.

Bell Breathing Relief Tea is based on an ancient formula from the mountains of Lebanon. It works immediately to help alleviate the symptoms of asthma, allergies, hay fever and other respiratory irritations. This gentle, tasty formula also moistens and soothes the throat, bronchial system, sinuses, and vocal tract and larynx. 

Bell Bone Density Recovery Formula. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Bone Density Recovery Formula 

Suitable for seniors with declining bone density and calcium levels.

Great for women experiencing  menopause with diminishing bone density due to hormone imbalances.

May be helpful for athletic recovery after bone injuries or accidents.

Formulated with 12 herbs, minerals, transporters, and vitamins to help with bone density loss.

Provides adequate calcium as part of a healthy diet may help defend against bone loss.

Helps to protect and repair connective tissue.

Helps to maintain proper muscle function.

Helps in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus.

Helps to form red blood cells.

A factor in the maintenance of good health.

Bell Breast Health (#75)  Helps to support and maintain breast health by helping reduce severity and duration of symptoms associated with cyclical mastalgia (recurrent breast pain).

Bell Breast Health (#75) 

Helps to support and maintain breast health by helping reduce severity and duration of symptoms associated with cyclical mastalgia (recurrent breast pain).

Helps to promote healthy estrogen metabolism/balance in menstruating and pre-menopausal women with high estrogen levels.

Helps re-set the body's sleep-wake cycle (aspect of the circadian rhythm).

Provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.

Breast Health is a multi-ingredient formulation designed to help keep breasts healthy and block the negative effects that estrogen can fuel. The formulation is weighted heavily with nutrients from cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. These nutrients help to balance the hormones and scavenge any rogue elements in the body.

Herbs with natural anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antispasmodic, and antibacterial properties are also included in the formulation. Breast Health provides antioxidants to defend against free radical damage to the cells.

This is also a great product for middle-aged and older men that want to block the estrogenic effects that can wreak havoc on the metabolism. This will help men find renewed vigor because this combination of botanicals will help to free up their own testosterone.

Bell Bone Density with Calcium #37, 60 Capsules 

Bell Bone Density with Calcium #37, 60 Capsules 

Bell Bone Density Recovery has been formulated to support the health of the bones. As you get older, bone density decreases, thereby leading to the occurrence of a myriad of bone-related illnesses. As early as now, you should already start looking for ways to improve the health of your bones. Try Bell Bone Density Recovery, a supplement loaded with the ingredients good for the bones. Here are the things you need to know about it:

Prevents. Bell Bone Density Recovery works as a preventive treatment for bone diseases. It is particularly beneficial to women. During the menopausal years, women often suffer from the brunt of weak bone density. The body during the menopausal stage is in a state of confusion which will then prevent your bone from soaking up the nutrients that it needs. Also, if you have a particularly poor diet, using this to augment missing nutrients is a good option.

Supports. The primary benefit of Bell Bone Density Recovery is to support the health of the bones. It helps keep bone density high so you can sidestep bone-related illnesses. It is also ideal for athletes or individuals with a very active lifestyle as it keeps injuries at bay. Since it strengthens the integrity of the bones, it prevents you from getting injuries that might take a long time to heal.

Augments.  The supplement Bell Bone Density Recovery contains 12 different herbs ideal for the bones. It is also a good source of ingredients known as transporters that allow nutrients to be transported easily in the areas where they are needed. Calcium is a particularly difficult mineral to absorb. This is why it requires the aid of transporters so the bone can really absorb it.

Promotes. Use Bell Bone Density Recovery to promote better quality of life. I am sure you have seen the effects of damaged bones to people. Those suffering from poor bone density are prone to injuries. Small accidents might lead to debilitating consequences. Those afflicted with arthritis also have to give up on the activities they enjoy because their mobility is no longer as good as before.

Defies. Bell Bone Density Recovery defies the progress of aging. In addition to defying the natural aging process of the bones, it also contains the vitamins and minerals that can prevent over-all aging. It protects the cells in the system and keeps harmful free radicals at bay. Cellular oxidation is also one of the primary causes of aging.

Normalizes. Now that you have Bell Bone Density Recovery, you can go back to your normal activities. Even when you are under the menopausal stage, you can still enjoy the usual activities you used to enjoy. This supplement ensures that your bones will have normal levels of calcium essential for good bone density.

Bell Bone Density Recovery and its ability to promote stellar bone health should be considered by women today. Using this can actually help in sidestepping a number of illnesses related to the bones. This is the supplement you need to keep bone health strong. It delivers the nutrients that are usually missing in the system. It improves the quality of your life. It also helps slow down aging. Make sure you can still go back to your usual activities with the aid of Bell Bone Density Recovery.

Bell Bone Density Recovery Formula with declining bone density and calcium levels. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Bone Density Recovery Formula 

Suitable for seniors with declining bone density and calcium levels.

Great for women experiencing  menopause with diminishing bone density due to hormone imbalances.

May be helpful for athletic recovery after bone injuries or accidents.

Formulated with 12 herbs, minerals, transporters, and vitamins to help with bone density loss.

Provides adequate calcium as part of a healthy diet may help defend against bone loss.

Helps to protect and repair connective tissue.

Helps to maintain proper muscle function.

Helps in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus.

Helps to form red blood cells.

A factor in the maintenance of good health.

Bell Lyme Immune Defence (#72) Natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Lyme Immune Defence (#72) 

Natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.

Helps the body fight against the Borrelia bacteria.

Helps support and enhance the immune system during times of illness.

Helps with restlessness and/or insomnia due to mental stress.

Good source of polysaccharides with immunomodulating properties.

Goldenseal is traditionally used in herbal medicine to help alleviate infectious and inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract.

Supports good digestion and helps to remedy digestive disturbances.

Can be used as a tonic to strengthen the body.

GMO free and allergen free. 

Bell Blood Sugar Imbalance #40, 60 Capsules

Bell Blood Sugar Imbalance #40, 60 Capsules 

Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism supplement proposes an alternative solution to blood sugar metabolism problems. It has been stocked with the ingredients that have been discovered to be effective in normalizing blood sugar levels. Those suffering from blood sugar metabolism diseases and abnormalities might want to consider getting this supplement. Here are the ingredients you can find Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism and the benefits they can bring:

Chromium Picolinate. This ingredient is actually a very popular weight loss ingredient. The interest in it stems from its positive effects to blood sugar levels and its ability to support blood sugar metabolism. Incorporated in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism, it can help in normalizing blood sugar levels and ensuring that your body will convert the sugar in your blood stream into energy source. It may also have a positive effect to cholesterol levels.

Prickly Cactus Extract. This plant is actually edible and is even included in the diet of Mexicans. Studies have proven its benefits to type 2 diabetes. Found in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism, it can offer other benefits such as controlling cholesterol levels and converting sugar in the blood stream into energy. This way, you can prevent your system from storing too much sugar and causing a surge. It also ensures that you have high energy levels to help your body function normally.

Vanadyl Sulfate. When it comes to controlling blood sugar, this ingredient in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism is one of the most popular. It has blood sugar-mimicking benefits which is well it allows the normal metabolism of sugar in the blood stream and the distribution of glucose in the cells. It’s actually very safe to use despite the issues about its toxicity. In fact, it may even be safer than other chemical products out there.

Bitter Melon. The use of bitter melon as a treatment for high blood sugar levels is very popular in Asia. In fact, this has been used as a treatment for diabetes with favorable results. Among other things, it helps reduce blood sugar levels by metabolizing sugar in the blood stream and turning it into energy. Additionally, it may help in preventing the development of cancer cells. You can get this in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism.

Cedar Berry Extract. This ingredient in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism also has a positive effect to blood sugar levels. It maintains normal sugar levels in the blood stream and may even support the ability of the kidney to filter wastes. It can be used as a preventive treatment to diabetes.

Dragon Blood. This natural ingredient has been around in alternative medicine since olden times. This is actually a red resin you can get from Dragon’s blood trees. It is known as an ideal treatment to skin problems. When using Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism, it can offer anti inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-tumor and anti-viral properties. It is also a potent antioxidant that can support the health of the cells.

Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism supports your health as a whole. It does contain the ingredients needed to promote normal blood sugar levels. Other benefits include preventing the occurrence of cancer and increasing energy levels. Some of the ingredients may even support the health of other organs. Keep abnormal blood sugar levels at bay with the help of Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism

Bell Body Renewal capsule. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Body Renewal 

Formulated with polyamines (organic compounds) that also occur in plant foods such as oats, corn, cucumbers and radishes.

Polyamines are found in all cells of the human body.

Formulated to help the body deal with stress and keep cortisol levels in check.* 

Provides antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage.

Helps reduce the risk of selenium deficiency.* 

Beneficial for women and men.

Contains a three month supply for one person or it can be utilized as a forty-five day supply for a couple. 

Body Renewal is formulated with polyamines that address both male and female hormone imbalances. Polyamines are organic compounds that occur in nature in such plants as radishes, corn, cucumbers, and oats. There are hundreds of organic compounds / phytochemicals in the fruits and vegetables we eat and scientists are just beginning to discover the extent of their healing properties.* 

Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism  A natural formulation of herbs and minerals that helps nourish and strengthen important organs, including the pancreas and liver.

Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism 

A natural formulation of herbs and minerals that helps nourish and strengthen important organs, including the pancreas and liver.

Good for hypoglycemia and weight gain due to blood glucose imbalance†.

Natural support for the adrenal glands.

Supports weight management goals.

Helps to balance blood glucose levels and support healthy glucose metabolism.

Can help you take control of unhealthy snacking and overeating.

Great supplement for those involved in athletic activity.

GMO free and allergen free.

The healthy human body regulates blood glucose levels efficiently and this is a part of our metabolic homeostasis. Having high blood glucose (hyperglycemia) or low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) can both be very dangerous conditions. Diet and exercise are important parts of managing high blood glucose and so is supplementing with Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism.

Bell Blood Sugar Imbalance #40, 60 Capsules Bonus Information

Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism supplement proposes an alternative solution to blood sugar metabolism problems. It has been stocked with the ingredients that have been discovered to be effective in normalizing blood sugar levels. Those suffering from blood sugar metabolism diseases and abnormalities might want to consider getting this supplement. Here are the ingredients you can find Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism and the benefits they can bring:

Chromium Picolinate. This ingredient is actually a very popular weight loss ingredient. The interest in it stems from its positive effects to blood sugar levels and its ability to support blood sugar metabolism. Incorporated in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism, it can help in normalizing blood sugar levels and ensuring that your body will convert the sugar in your blood stream into energy source. It may also have a positive effect to cholesterol levels.

Prickly Cactus Extract. This plant is actually edible and is even included in the diet of Mexicans. Studies have proven its benefits to type 2 diabetes. Found in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism, it can offer other benefits such as controlling cholesterol levels and converting sugar in the blood stream into energy. This way, you can prevent your system from storing too much sugar and causing a surge. It also ensures that you have high energy levels to help your body function normally.

Vanadyl Sulfate. When it comes to controlling blood sugar, this ingredient in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism is one of the most popular. It has blood sugar-mimicking benefits which is well it allows the normal metabolism of sugar in the blood stream and the distribution of glucose in the cells. It’s actually very safe to use despite the issues about its toxicity. In fact, it may even be safer than other chemical products out there.

Bitter Melon. The use of bitter melon as a treatment for high blood sugar levels is very popular in Asia. In fact, this has been used as a treatment for diabetes with favorable results. Among other things, it helps reduce blood sugar levels by metabolizing sugar in the blood stream and turning it into energy. Additionally, it may help in preventing the development of cancer cells. You can get this in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism.

Cedar Berry Extract. This ingredient in Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism also has a positive effect to blood sugar levels. It maintains normal sugar levels in the blood stream and may even support the ability of the kidney to filter wastes. It can be used as a preventive treatment to diabetes.

Dragon Blood. This natural ingredient has been around in alternative medicine since olden times. This is actually a red resin you can get from Dragon’s blood trees. It is known as an ideal treatment to skin problems. When using Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism, it can offer anti inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-tumor and anti-viral properties. It is also a potent antioxidant that can support the health of the cells.

Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism supports your health as a whole. It does contain the ingredients needed to promote normal blood sugar levels. Other benefits include preventing the occurrence of cancer and increasing energy levels. Some of the ingredients may even support the health of other organs. Keep abnormal blood sugar levels at bay with the help of Bell Blood Sugar Metabolism

Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo #26, 60 Capsules  

Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo #26, 60 Capsules  

Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo from the supplement company Bell is marketed as blood pressure-reducing supplement. Loaded with all natural ingredients, they work together in lessening your chances of experiencing high blood pressure and many other debilitating ailments such as heart attack, a condition associated with HBP. This might come handy to people afflicted with this condition. But before you try Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo, here are the things you need to know about it:

How does Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo work? This supplement has been loaded with fish peptide extract. This natural ingredient supposedly works in delivering collagen to cells which will then hamper the production of ACE or Angiotensin Concerting Enzyme. Experts saying ACE is one of the culprits in HBP as this causes constricted blood vessels. It is by loosening up blood vessels that your system is able to transport blood without a hitch.

What ingredients are incorporated in Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo? Aside from fish peptide extract, you can also find celery seed, wild garlic, passion flower, barberry, pomegranate and microcrystalline cellulose in this supplement. These natural ingredients all contribute to the prevention and treatment of HBP. They might also reduce instances of heart attack as they aid the body in transporting blood to the arteries which will then prevent the arteries from weakening.

Is Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo really effective? The ingredients incorporated in this supplement have been tried and tested before. In fact, many of these natural ingredients have been used as natural treatments to HBP in the olden times. You can easily surmise that the combination of these ingredients can really deliver good benefits.

Who should start using Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo? This supplement should be used by people suffering from high blood pressure. This condition might actually be hereditary so if you have a history of high blood pressure, you might want to consult your physician to find out if you have this problem and if you can use this supplement as a preventive treatment.

How should you take Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo? You can take one capsule of this two times a day as maintenance treatment. The manufacturer recommends two capsules taken twice a day if you are feeling the effects of high blood pressure. However, you should still seek the advice of your doctor on the best way of taking this.

Are there side effects to using Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo? If you are not currently taking other medications, there should be no side effects. Just make sure you take the right dosage. Consult your doctor if you have other underlying medical conditions.

Take care of your body starting with the use of Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo. This supplement helps in preventing the constricting of blood vessels so your blood can flow with ease. You can find natural ingredients in here that has been tried and tested for their ability to support the health. It should deliver the benefits it promised. If you have high blood pressure, consider using this. Make sure you take the correct dosage. If you take it correctly, you should have no problems with the use of Bell Blood Pressure Formulation Combo.

Bell Bladder One for Women. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Bladder One for Women 

Formulated to help reduce frequent urination or uncontrolled urination (incontinence) that can lead to   interrupted sleep, anxiety-ridden travel, embarrassing odour and wetness.*

Helps alleviate symptoms associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs), such as burning sensations and/or frequent urination.*

Helps prevent recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs).*

Support for a clean urinary tract, relaxed bladder muscles and reduced inflammation and irritation.*

Formulated with herbs rich in phytonutrients to cleanse and tone the bladder along with the entire female urinary tract.*

In convenient capsule form. Only 1 capsule daily provides comfort, control, and relief.*

Provides antioxidants to help protect the cells from free radicals.

There are over 20 million people in North America living with incontinence. Women old and young make up 85% of that statistic.

If you are one of the many women suffering from urinary incontinence, Bell Bladder One for Women is a convenient, natural solution to help reduce sleepless nights and embarrassment caused by bladder and urinary incontinence.

Bell Bladder & Yeast Infection 

Bell Bladder & Yeast Infection 

Helps promote a clean and fresh urinary tract.

Formulated to help alleviate urinary tract infections (UTIs), including bladder infections and kidney infections.

Does not destroy good intestinal bacteria (gut flora/gut microbiota) like antibiotics.

Helps maintain a healthy balance of yeast and other microbes.

Supports your kidneys, bladder, and urethra.

Supports the female endocrine system and helps fight yeast infections.

GMO free and allergen free.

It is common for millions of women to have at least one episode of acute bladder infection (cystitis) or kidney infection. To quell these infections, antibiotics are often prescribed, which can kill friendly micro-organisms needed by the body to fight off harmful intruders. In some cases, antibiotics would even promote yeast infections.

If you have experienced discomfort from taking antibiotics or simply worried that your body’s defenses will become resistant, Bell Bladder and Yeast Infection is the natural alternative for you and your urinary and feminine health needs.

Bladder & Yeast  Infection combines six natural ingredients: uva-ursi extract, goldenseal extract, d-mannose, buchu extract, pumpkin seed extract and hydrangea extract for optimal urinary tract health. These herbs together play a part in keeping microbial balance and healthy yeast in your urinary tract. These ingredients combine to give you thorough, but gentle cleaning power. They keep your bladder walls clean and healthy, making it easy for your body to flush out waste

Bell Bladder Control Tea For Women: Formulated to help reduce frequent urination or uncontrolled urination that can lead to interrupted sleep, anxiety-ridden travel, embarrassing odour and wetness.

Bell Bladder Control Tea For Women:

Formulated to help reduce frequent urination or uncontrolled urination that can lead to interrupted sleep, anxiety-ridden travel, embarrassing odour and wetness.

All-in-one urinary tract support for a clean urinary tract, relaxed bladder muscles and reduced inflammation and irritation.

Helps alleviate symptoms associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs), such as burning sensations and/or frequent urination.

Tastes great. It has a nice, slightly sweet, citrus flavour making it an enjoyable part of your morning routine. No sugar needed. It is safe and effective.

Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing and emotionally distressful, which can eventually lead to isolation and depression. There are over 20 million people in North America living with incontinence. Women old and young make up 85% of that statistic.

If you are one of the many women suffering from urinary incontinence, Bell Bladder Control Women Tea is the all-in-one, natural solution to help reduce sleepless nights and days of isolation caused by bladder and urinary incontinence.

With Bladder Control Tea For Women, you get a masterful mix of the best herbs to help you maintain control of your bladder and most importantly your life.

Bell Bladder Control Tea For Women #4b, 120g 

Bell Bladder Control Tea For Women #4b, 120g 

Bell Bladder Control Tea supplement offers ideal solutions in supporting the basic and indispensable functions of the bladder. The bladder is responsible in excreting liquid wastes in the body. If its functions are unreliable, toxins will eventually accumulate. It causes many other functions to go awry. A supplement like Bell Bladder Control Tea might offer some benefits for the bladder. Here are some of them:

Bell Bladder Control Tea can help in cleansing the system. Cranberry, which is a tried and tested natural remedy in cleansing the bladder, has been incorporated here. It should work in improving secretion of uric acid. Research also proved that cranberry helps in preventing uric acid from building up in the system. It allows you to secrete accumulated uric acid without causing the bladder to strain.

Bell Bladder Control Tea may help in preventing and treating kidney stones. Having kidney stones is a very painful condition. People afflicted with this kidney have trouble passing uric acid because it gets blocked by the stones. This supplement has been equipped with Golden Rod, Marshmallow Root, Nettle, Willow Herb and Urva Ursi. These are natural ingredients known for their abilities in lessening the size of kidney stones.

Bell Bladder Control Tea can also be used to prevent bladder and kidney infections. Women are prone to urinary tract infection. According to studies, women acquire this type of infection at least once in their life. To make yourself less predisposed to this debilitating condition, you can try using this. It helps lessen your chances of acquiring infection. It also contains Parsley which is chock full of vitamin C that can support the immune system.

Bell Bladder Control Tea contains antioxidants. This natural remedy is also rich in antioxidants from its natural ingredients. Loading up on foods rich in antioxidants is an important step in boosting your health. These molecules are essential in fighting harmful free radicals. Free radicals tend to damage healthy cells and cause premature cellular death.

Bell Bladder Control Tea also contains calcium and iron. To further fortify your system, this supplement delivers calcium and iron. These are the nutrients that can promote healthier systemic functions.

Bell Bladder Control Tea is all-natural. Its blend of natural ingredients makes this a healthier option for your bladder and kidney. It does not cause side effects. It is also devoid of caffeine so if you don’t want the temporary jolt caffeine can offer; this is a good option for you.

Keeping your bladder healthy has now been made easier with the aid of Bell Bladder Control Tea. Using this supplement can help cleanse the bladder and get rid of accumulated uric acid. This may also have a good effect in treating kidney stones. The ingredients may also work in preventing kidney infections. Since it contains antioxidants, it can be used to get rid of harmful free radicals. Use this to take advantage of calcium and iron. Opt for a natural remedy for the kidney and bladder like Bell Bladder Control Tea.

Bladder & Yeast Infection Details

Helps promote a clean and fresh urinary tract.

Formulated to help alleviate urinary tract infections (UTIs), including bladder infections and kidney infections.

Does not destroy good intestinal bacteria (gut flora/gut microbiota) like antibiotics.

Helps maintain a healthy balance of yeast and other microbes.

Supports your kidneys, bladder, and urethra.

Supports the female endocrine system and helps fight yeast infections.

GMO free and allergen free.

It is common for millions of women to have at least one episode of acute bladder infection (cystitis) or kidney infection. To quell these infections, antibiotics are often prescribed, which can kill friendly micro-organisms needed by the body to fight off harmful intruders. In some cases, antibiotics would even promote yeast infections.

If you have experienced discomfort from taking antibiotics or simply worried that your body’s defenses will become resistant, Bell Bladder and Yeast Infection is the natural alternative for you and your urinary and feminine health needs.

Bladder & Yeast  Infection combines six natural ingredients: uva-ursi extract, goldenseal extract, d-mannose, buchu extract, pumpkin seed extract and hydrangea extract for optimal urinary tract health. These herbs together play a part in keeping microbial balance and healthy yeast in your urinary tract. These ingredients combine to give you thorough, but gentle cleaning power. They keep your bladder walls clean and healthy, making it easy for your body to flush out waste

Bell Allergy Relief #24, 30 Capsules 

Bell Allergy Relief #24, 30 Capsules 

Bell Allergy Relief has been designed to aid people suffering from different types of seasonal allergies caused by micro organisms that invade the body. When said micro organisms invade the system, our body produces histamine to counteract their bad effects. The production of histamine causes a myriad of discomforts to emerge. You might experience the appearance of blisters, rashes, thickening of lips and tongue, trouble breathing, inflammation of skin and many more. Get to know more about Bell Allergy Relief and what it can do to help you.

What has been incorporated in Bell Allergy Relief? Featured in this supplement are natural remedies that have been equipped with anti histamine benefits. These are rosmarinic acid extract, basil, mint, sage, rosemary, perilla and quercetin. It does not contain fillers and additives which will make this ideal for those with sensitive health and allergies to additives.

What can Bell Allergy Relief do to help? Basically, it helps counteract the effects of allergies. It can clear up nasal congestion, alleviate sneezing and reduce inflammation of the skin or the eyes. It has been found out that Rosmarinic acid works in alleviating allergies. It might even reduce rhinitis experienced by humans. Those suffering from food allergies might also find this useful.

Who should begin using Bell Allergy Relief? Did you know that a large percent of our population search for natural remedies online to treat their allergies? You could be suffering from it as well if you tend to have a reaction to dust mites, certain kinds of food, pet dander or molds. As mentioned above, this is also good for those with food allergies. It can be used by people with very sensitive health to provide relief to the severe symptoms of this condition.

Why should you use Bell Allergy Relief? Aside from providing relief from allergies symptoms, this supplement is also ideal to use because of its natural content. While there are a lot of over-the-counter treatments for allergies, many of them might cause side effects such as acute headache or drowsiness. You have to choose the supplements you are taking properly so it won’t affect the quality of your life.

Is Bell Allergy Relief safe to use? It is safe to use since it only contains natural ingredients. Additionally, it does not contain harmful additional ingredients.

How can you take Bell Allergy Relief? The recommended dosage is 1-2 capsules. When allergies strike, take this amount of capsules. Make sure you do not take more than what was recommended. If you are taking other medications for allergies, try consulting your doctor first. Those with underlying medical conditions must also consult their doctor to find out if there’s going to be an adverse reaction.

Allergies should not interfere with your life, especially now that you have Bell Allergy Relief. Why don’t you try using this and its blend of natural ingredients that can soothe the symptoms of allergies? It can help reduce inflammation and discomforts. If you have seasonal allergies or food allergies, you might want to give this a go. Since it contains only natural ingredients, it will not cause side effects. Just make sure you know the right dosage of taking Bell Allergy Relief.

Bell ALA Alpha Lipoic Acid. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell ALA Alpha Lipoic Acid:

Helps to promote healthy glucose metabolism.

Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Helps normal growth.

Important for brain health and nervous system function.

Powerful antioxidant.

Helps to prevent certain types of cell damage in the human body.

Natural food sources of ALA include: Liver, kidney, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, yeast and more.

Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance to help promote a pH neutral, alkaline body. Lagos Akure Abuja Rivers Lekki Ikeja Surulere Nigeria +2347065221108

Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance:

Formulated to help promote a pH neutral, alkaline body.

Ideal for individuals suffering from heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, sour stomach associated with excess stomach acid.

Helps neutralize excess stomach acid.

Rosemary is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve flatulent dyspepsia (carminative).

Stimulant laxative.

Helps to optimize digestive ease and comfort.

Packed with celebrated chlorophyll-rich "super greens".

Features beneficial botanically sourced flavonoids to support a healthy pH balance.

GMO free and allergen free.

Are you concerned that your diet may be too acidic? It probably is! Health experts suggest that an optimal diet should consist of more alkaline foods and less acidic ones, yet many staples of Western cuisine -- like dairy, fish, meat, poultry and salt -- fall into the latter category. Since our blood is naturally more alkaline, acidic foods are believed to create an imbalance that hinders the body's ability to maintain peak wellness.

Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance helps to restore your natural pH neutral, alkaline body state. Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance features vitality-supporting "super-greens" and life-enhancing phytonutrients that promote and maintain ideal acid-alkaline stability. It includes an additional selection of natural ingredients, including the sulfur-rich compound MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), nutrient-filled spirulina and stomach-soothing aloe vera leaf extract. These combine with our super-green botanical wonders to uphold healthy digestion, pH balance, and overall wellness.

Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance #39, 60 Capsules

Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance #39, 60 Capsules

Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance offers a solution in promoting good digestive functions. Experts have been urging people to increase alkaline in their diet. It is because high alkalinity in the system can make the body less predisposed to serious and debilitating ailments such as cancer. You can improve your over-all health by simply promoting stellar digestive system. Here are some reasons why Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance is good for you:

Restores. It has been designed to restore the neutral PH alkaline level in the body. Taking Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance regularly ensures that your stomach will not produce more acid or will not be too basic. With this benefit, you are also able to restore good systemic functions. You can benefit from healthier brain and heart functions as the digestive system works in supplying the nutrients needed.

Prevents. Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance supposedly helps in preventing diseases like cancer. It slows down the aging process of cells as well. More often than not, premature cellular death speeds up the progress of cancer. This supplement can also be used to fend off infections and viral diseases.

Increases. Do you often suffer from chronic fatigue? If so, you might have low alkaline level in your body. The supplement Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance helps maintain the health of the cells. It also ensures that oxygen can be delivered to cells. Moreover, it ensures that the body can produce much-needed ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate which is needed in the production of energy.

Strengthens. Did you know that by simply improving body alkalinity, you are also strengthening your teeth and gums? Using Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance might have a positive effect to these body parts. In addition to that, it also lessens bacteria formation in the mouth, thereby preventing tooth decay and bad breath.

Alleviates. People with very acidic diet tend to succumb to inflammation problems such as muscle and joint inflammation. That is because the body uses up its magnesium reserve in order to neutralize the acidity of the food you are eating. Magnesium is needed to promote good bone density. With low supply of this mineral, you could compromise that health of your bones and muscles. This supplement helps counteract acidity while preventing your body from turning to magnesium.

Natural. Promoting high alkalinity in the system is so easy if you know what to eat or what to take. It is surprisingly a no-brainer. Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance is easy to take. It is also natural since it contains herbal blend and spices.

You can deflect innumerable health problems with the aid of Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance. Use this to restore alkaline balance in the body and prevent acidity. It also works in making you less susceptible to aging that stems in the cells. This also works in boosting energy levels. Make sure you try this out if you want to keep gums and bones strong. It also functions in reducing bone and muscle inflammation. Always opt for a natural remedy such as Bell Acidic Stomach Alkaline Balance.